Thursday 27 December, 2012

Interview Tips

What is an Interview?
  •  An Exchange of Information.
Reasons for having Interview?
  • To evaluate the following:
    1.     Personality.
    2.     Communication Skills.
    3.     Attitudes, Values, Interests.
    4.     Motivation, 
    5.     Technical Skills etc.,

Three Phases in an Interview
  • Phase I   :  Pre-Interview  Preparation.
  • Phase II  :  At  The Interview.
  • Phase III :  Post Interview Follow-Up.
Pre-Interview Preparation
Five Steps to Effective Preparation 

Step 1: Research (about the company)
Step 2: Self Examination (strengths, qualifications)
Step 3: Develop answers to the expected questions. (Give honest answers)
Step 4: Practice your answers well. (Mock Interview)
Step 5: Prepare a list of Questions to ask the Interviewer and Checklist.               

At  The Interview

7 Steps to Success at the Interview:
Step 1: Make a good first impression 
  •     Dress Neatly
  •     Start with a firm handshake, a smile and good eye contact
Step 2: Bring relevant information (Additional copies of resume and certificates)

Step 3: Be Honest. 
  •     Be yourself & Be confident
  •    Don’t overstate your qualifications 
Step 4: Be personable and Polite to every one.

Step 5: Be aware of both your verbal and non verbal communication.

Step 6: Listen the Interviewer Attentively.

Step 7: Be prepared to discuss Salary.
Create a Positive Impact 
 You will be an asset to their company”
“ You are the right person for the job”

Post-Interview Follow-up

3 Steps to Effective Follow-up:
Step 1: Review the day 
Step 2: Send a thank you letter.

Step 3: Follow-up Call.

                                       "Best of Luck"

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